Service Level Agreement


Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreement


‘’ Customer‘’private company organized and duly existing under the laws the ……, with its registered address located at ……  (‘’hereinafter ”), and “Densea”,a private company organized and duly existing under the laws of The United Kingdom, with its registered address located at Norwich, the United Kingdom. (hereinafter “Densea” or “Services Provider”) hereby agree to have a Service Level Agreement (“Agreement”).

For the purposes of this Agreement, CUSTOMER and “DENSEA” shall be collectively referred to as the “Parties” and individually a “Party”.

Article 1. Purpose

The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the service to be provided by “DENSEA” to ‘’CUSTOMER” and to establish duties and obligation of each party.

Article 2. Items subject to Service

Items subject to the service (“Service”) are items of “CUSTOMER” which “CUSTOMER” assigns to “DENSEA” for Service to destination designated by “CUSTOMER”

Article 3. Expenses

  1. “DENSEA” may charge any incidental expenses after written notice to ‘’CUSTOMER” incurred during performing the Service.

Article 4. Terms of the Agreement

  • This Agreement is entered into on ../…/2022 and will take effect after signed by the representatives or sealed and is valid until ../../2023.
  • The Agreement will automatically renew unless Parties give written notice of cancelling of the Agreement with 1 month

Article 5. Termination

  • Either Party may terminate the Agreement immediately with prior written notice to the other Party in the following
    1. Either party becomes insolvent, bankrupt, voluntarily files or suffers the filing of a petition in bankruptcy, seeks any other similar relief under any bankruptcy laws or related statutes;
    2. Either party makes an assignment or transfer of its major asset or property to third party;
    3. Either party’s major asset or property is seized or any similar injunctive reliefis filed against the either party;
  1. Either party is ordered by relevant government authority to cancel or seize the business or dissolve the business;
  2. Either party fails to fulfill payment obligation to third party without property cause or considered to be under severe financial difficulties so that hard to maintain one’s business;
  3. Any other causes makes either party hard to perform its obligation under the
  • Parties may terminate the Agreement at any time by mutual
  • If the Agreement is terminated according to ① or ③ of this Article, Parties obligations of performance under the Agreement shall due on such
  • Notwithstanding ④,termination by ① or ③ of the Agreement shall not relieve neither Party of any liability or obligations it may have to other party arising out of or related to act occurred prior to such

Article 6. Confidentiality

  • Confidential information includes but not limited to Customer information, marketing strategy KNOW-HOW, which the Parties may learn in the course of conducting business under the
  • Parties shall use confidential information only to extent to fulfill one’s obligation under the Parties agree that it will not disclose to any third party or use any confidential information disclosed to it by the other except prior written consent of the other party and shall be liable for any unpermitted disclosed of confidential information by willful misconduct or negligence of disclosing party.
  • Parties may disclose confidential information to its officers and employees provided that such disclose is necessary for the purpose of the Agreement and shall be liable for breach of confidentiality by its officers and

Article 7. Privacy Policy

  • Unless “CUSTOMER” gives written consent to use related private information or any relevant law allows such use of private information, “DENSEA” shall not use or provide to a third party of any private information of CUSTOMER received from “CUSTOMER” except for Service
  • In respect of CUSTOMER’s private information, “DENSEA” shall only to disclose such private information to those of its employees to whom disclose is necessary for the Service and such employees are shall do its best effort not to disclose or divulge the private information to third
  • “DENSEA” shall destroy CUSTOMER’s private information upon withdrawal of CUSTOMER’s consent or request of “CUSTOMER” .

Article 8. Miscellaneous

  • The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between “CUSTOMER” and “DENSEA” with respect to its subject matter and constitutes and supersedes all prior written or oral agreements,

representations and understandings of the Parties.

  • The Parties are independent contractors and will have no power or authority to assume or create any obligation or responsibility on behalf of each other. Notwithstanding any public references to a “partnership”, the Agreement does not, and shall not be construed, to create or imply any partnership, agency, or joint
  • The Parties shall not grant any authority to the other party to use its trademark each other and each party shall not use the other party’s trademark for purpose of one’s publicity or marketing without prior written
  • Each party shall give written notice to the other party in following events within
    1. Change of name
    2. Change of the Service
    3. Decision of business closure, change of business, merger and acquisition,
    4. Office change, addition, transfer, closure
    5. Change of CEO, business registration number, address
    6. Any other significant change which may affect the Agreement
  • No party to the Agreement, by any act, delay, omission or otherwise shall be deemed to have expressly or impliedly waived any of its rights, powers or remedies, or any one or more of
  • Neither party may assign or provide as security any duties, obligations and rights under the Agreement without the prior written consent of the other
  • No amendment to the Agreement shall be binding on the Parties, unless made in writing and signed by both
  • The Agreement and all notices must be in writing and must be hand delivered, sent by e-mail or other electronic means, or forwarded by registered or certified mail to the relevant party and will be deemed to have been delivered on receipt at the relevant

Article 9. Insurance

  • All items will be stored and handled at the expense and risk of “CUSTOMER” . The transport insurance will take place according to the conditions from “DENSEA”’s AWB conditions for air freight, CMR

/AVC conditions for road freight and Fedex conditions for sea freight. All additional insurances will only be taken out after a written order from the client [CUSTOMER].

  • Any delay in or failure of performance by either party under the Agreement will not be considered a breach of the Agreement and will be excused to the extent caused by any occurrence beyond the reasonable control of such party, including, not limited to, acts of God, government restrictions, war (“Force Majeure”). However, labor dispute or strike shall not be considers as occurrence beyond the reasonable control of either
  • The party claiming Force Majeure shall send notice of such occurrence to the other party within

36 hours of the occurrence, if possible, and shall do its best to minimize the effect of Force Majeure.

  • “DENSEA” shall provide custom clearance service to “CUSTOMER” cargo export or import, therefore, “CUSTOMER” shall provide all the necessary information for the custom clearance to “DENSEA” (Commercial, Invoice, information of CUSTOMER, delivery address, contact information).

Article 10. Ownership of the items / cargo

The ownership of the items/cargo assigned for the Service shall be of the “CUSTOMER” and “DENSEA” shall not claim lien it may have on the cargo for termination of the Agreement or any dispute with third party.

Article 11. No assignment


  • Neither party may assign the Agreement or provide the Agreement as security, in whole or in part, without the other Party written consent to third
  • If any liquidation or sale of business of “CUSTOMER” is expected, “CUSTOMER” shall notice such issues to “DENSEA” and the Parties shall discuss further on those
  • “DENSEA” may assign whole or part of the Service under the Agreement to third party with “CUSTOMER” ’s written consentand “CUSTOMER” may request “DENSEA” to change that third party with proper

Article 12. Good Faith

“CUSTOMER” and “DENSEA” shall perform one’s duties and obligations under the Agreement in good faith.

Article 13. Governing Law and jurisdiction

  • All activities are carried out under the BIFA The Parties agree to resolve the possible disputes in the performance of this Agreement by friendly communicating and negotiating. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be finally resolved by arbitration. The place of arbitration is in The United Kingdom and the language of arbitration is English.
  • The losing party shall bear all costs such as attorney fees, arbitration fees, preservation fees, security guarantee fees, preservation insurance premiums, and announcement fees incurred in the arbitration



Article 14. Definition

  1. “Added Logistics Services” means “DENSEA”’s service; storing, picking and packing,checking, labelling, export custom clearance, international transportation, import custom clearance in the United Kingdom and delivery to destination as instructed by “CUSTOMER” .
  2. “Receiver” means the receiver whose name is printed in the B/L as
  3. “Delivery” means “Densea”, on its responsibility, deliver the cargo to

Article 14. Scope of Service

  1. “Densea” shall provide service consisting of checking, picking, packing, labelling, export/import custom clearance, national and international transportation and Delivery on its
  2. The activities will be carried out in the warehouse at
  3. Services must be clearly required.

Article 16. Obligation of “DENSEA”


  • “DENSEA” shall visually check the cargo up on arrival;
  • After “DENSEA” checks and accepts the Cargo, it shall be regarded as inerrable quantity and packing in good condition. CUSTOMER shall take no liability for any defect or loss related to quantity and packing; and
  • Related risks including but not limited to damaged packing and losses, shall be transferred to “DENSEA” accordingly after acceptance. Compensation for damages caused by risks hereof shall be at least equal to actual loss including liquidated damages and/or possible

1    “DENSEA” shall be liable for properly packaging the items according to items nature, weight and measure. All cargoes shall be suitably packed for long-distance transportation, moisture-proof, pressure-proof, rustproof and rough handling. Any loss due to poor packaging or any inadequate or inappropriate protection shall be borne by “DENSEA”. If CUSTOMERwants to use their own boxes or not requested new boxes from Densea, Densea is not responsible for any damaging which being due to box quality.

  1. Time

“DENSEA” shall provide “CUSTOMER” with timely logistics and accurate transport.

Article 17. Obligation of CUSTOMER

  1. For consideration of the Express Service, “CUSTOMER” is obliged to pay “DENSEA” according to the Article 3 of the
  2. “CUSTOMER” is obliged to provide information of sender, receiver, description of the items according

to related laws and regulations and shall be liable for its violation of said law.

  1. “CUSTOMER” shall deal with any inquires and complains of the Receiver regarding the Service and the Parties shall settle any dispute caused due to such inquires and complains in an amicable
  2. “CUSTOMER” cannot use the system provided by “DENSEA” except for permitted

Article 18. Rates and Payment

*The Rate for Service is agreed on at  ../…/2022

“DENSEA” shall invoice “CUSTOMER” per month according below rates which shared on “CUSTOMER” shall make payment to “DENSEA’s” bank account for the total invoiced amount within 14 days.

The basic currency shall be Sterlin. Bank information DENSEA:

Account name: DENSEA LTD Currency: GBP

Bank name: Tide Bank

Sort Code: 04-06-05

Acc No: 18056294

In the event of “CUSTOMER” fails to make payment without proper cause, “CUSTOMER” shall pay overdue interest to “DENSEA” on any overdue amount from the due date at the rate of 0.1% per day.

“CUSTOMER” and “DENSEA” may amend the above upon mutual written agreement.

Rate and Services: :

Article 19. Restricted Products and Other Responsibilities

  • It is forbidden to store illegal, explosive, harmful products. CUSTOMER must share with us products details before sending. Densea is not responsible for storing illegal products.
  • Densea is not responsible for the items lost or damaged during the shipping process.
  • Densea is not responsible for damaged products delivered to the warehouse.
  • Densea does not provide insurance for CUSTOMER`s products in warehouse. CUSTOMER can take out private insurance. If Densea can take payment from its own insurance for damages that may occur in cases such as floods and disasters, Densea can cover the damaged products.
  • Disputes in the warehouses of America and Germany are heard in the courts of the country where the warehouses are located.
  • Densea has no legal representatives outside the UK.
  • Products of CUSTOMERs who do not pay their bills in 3 billing periods can be destroyed or sold to compensate for the loss.
  • Increases in shipping charges are passed on to CUSTOMERs.
  • Service charges (excluding shipping charges) are revised in the first week of January each year.
  • Both parties have right to cancel their agreements.
  • In case of no service for 3 months, this contract will be deemed invalid.

(Signature Page)

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, an authorized representative of each party has executed the Agreement as of below date and signed in two copies and shall keep on each.

Title: Director



Densea LTD

Name: Naim Deniz
Title: Director

32 Goodman Square



United Kingdom

Telephone: +447380427172
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